Unified Corporate Well-Being Platform with Lua TRaiLS

Our single platform, Lua TRaiLS, consolidates all corporate well-being benefits, enabling employees to easily access personalized support while ensuring greater visibility for your paid benefits. This innovative solution enhances corporate health, boosts engagement rates, and simplifies access to critical resources, all while fostering a supportive workplace culture.

24/7 Personal
Well-being Insights

Lua TRaiLS delivers real-time, AI-driven insights into utilized well-being benefits, offering personalized support to address individual challenges. With cutting-edge AI technology, it highlights overlooked concerns and helps improve employee engagement and corporate well-being.
Lua Intelligence offers instant feedback on well-being benefits, highlights overlooked concerns, and provides personalized insights to address individual challenges.
Real-time feedback loop by Lua Intelligence for leadership, highlighting utilized well-being benefits, identifying overlooked concerns, and mitigating workforce vulnerabilities.

Real-Time Leadership Feedback Loop

By creating a real-time feedback loop for leadership, TRaiLS empowers organizations to prioritize corporate health, identify emerging risks, and foster a supportive culture, ensuring that well-being resources are always accessible and impactful.

Improving Utilization of EAP


of mid- to large-sized companies offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), but only

of employees use them yearly.

Many employees are unaware or hesitant to use EAPs, highlighting the need for proactive solutions to boost engagement and foster a supportive workplace culture.1
1: https://hylant.com/insights/blog/improving-utilization-of-employee-assistance-programs


Our effectiveness has been rigorously validated through peer-reviewed studies in top-tier academic journals.

Privacy-First Design

We meet GDPR standards for data protection and our software is designed with privacy-by-design principles.


Seamlessly integrated with industry-leading corporate communication platforms, like Teams and Slack.